Monday, January 18, 2010

GIP India, Day 12, Mr Wise Guy plays Cricket.

On day 4, the guys and I headed out on public transportation looking for some sporting action (That's how the bus ride came about). Ashish was kind enough to invite us to his weekly game of Cricket with his mates and in no time, we reached this barren patch of land...

No grass. Only dirt.

It was a cool, cloudy day, perfect for some cricket. Lets sidetrack for a bit shall we?

Since young, I have no liking for cricket. Zilch. Nada. Zero. In my opinion, it has got to be the most boring game ever. The only people who receive any form of gratification will be the batter and the bowler. The rest just stand and watch. The last time I played cricket, I walked out after just 5 minutes on the pitch. Nevertheless, I took on this game with an open mind, hoping that the atmosphere and the passion for cricket in the Indians changes my perspective of the game.

Raj, coach of Team Singapore.

We started off being catchers on the field. OMG it was so frustrating just standing around, hoping for the ball to come to you. And it didn't took long for me to walk up to Ashish and ask to be the batter.

MrWiseGuy, Cricket Captain, Team Singapore.

I suck. Big time. The problem with me was, Cricket is very much different from other batting sports that I played such as baseball or rounders. The ball bounces off the ground, and is low as compared to baseball, where the ball is around shoulder height.

And I was out in no time. haha!


Team Singapore with our Indian counterparts.

Group Shot, right now.

So, what happened in the end? Same conclusion.

Cricket just isn't my cup of tea. Give me soccer, badminton, swimming, water polo, bouldering anytime... Otherwise, who else can say that they played cricket with Indians, on Indian soil? I did. :)

P.S. I am so tired right now, I will just click publish and not bother to edit this post.



Unknown said...

I played rounders too! It was a lot of fun.. then. :D

Cricket? don't understand at all!

Beezymama said...

If I'm given the opportunity to play cricket, I'll enjoy myself...Whats the frustration for? can throw one stone but kill two birds. While waiting for the ball, you can sms or listen to ipod...hehehe.Its better than football, players spit on the grass,yuks!!!

You've done bouldering and such, you haven't fall in love yet with the game..if you go to Indonesia you'll learn the Kuda Kepang,to Hawaii you are sure to pick up Hula dance...hehehe

Love mama...

Mr Wise Guy said...

Wak Yana,

Rounders is fun la~ Macam baseball like that!

Cricket.... Not my cup of tea.

Mr Wise Guy said...


Haiyo, how to listen to music or sms while playing. Try running around with an mp3 player tied around the neck la~

Heeee~ Ibaratkan orang pakai emas berton-ton gie jemputan.