Friday, June 17, 2011

Knowledge is Power

With or without realising, we perceive certain knowledge as irrelevant to life, not related to the field of expertise, too difficult, too technical, too dry etc, and subsequently come to a conclusion not to pursue it. At times, there is reasonable justification to not acquire the knowledge that was presented, and in such cases, it may be overlooked. However, choosing not to acquire it because of trivial reasons, is only foolish and would result in a lack of thinking maturity only allowing such narrow minded outlook in life that reside in lesser minds.

Knowledge is the only truly valuable possession that nobody, not even the finest robber could steal. Banks can go bust, vaults can be broken into, gold can be stolen, but knowledge is a treasure unlike anything. It is something intangible, something that cannot be measured, a sparkling diamond, yet so many take it for granted. If the opportunity is given to accumulate such great wealth that can never be stolen or lost but only gain in value with time, why waste it?

It is to little wonder there are so many quotes related to the acquisition of knowledge, encouraging us to acquire it, to use it correctly, to help other people and to improve our lives. Knowledge is power. The pen is mightier than the sword. A book is a gift you can open again and again. Rethink, relearn, and learn new things everyday. Because the day we stop learning, is the day we die.

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