Friday, October 28, 2011

The Crossroads in Life

Its been a while.

1 month, 7 days to be exact. But I'll just backdate it to the 28th Oct at 2230 hours just to be consistent.

Doubt anybody is reading this blog, now that I've removed the link from facebook and maybe some readers may give up checking in as its been a month since I updated anything. But for my fellow friends and readers who keep checking everyday, you're in luck.

Where do I begin? hmmm... Life has been quite dull nowadays. I spend an average of 13 hours at work each day. After work, I go home and sleep. Shift work is a real drag, but the body's slowly getting used to it. On my off days, I go out, come home to rest and prepare for work again. Alas, I just have to take this punishment for another 6 months or so before I can plan my next career move.

On another note, I miss going out and riding my bike on long, pointless trips. The only journeys are to work and back. Even on my off days, I try not to ride for fear of falling asleep. I have a weird body thing going on now. I may be lively and full of energy on my first off day, after my night shift. But as the day progresses, I'll be dying at about 6pm. Falling asleep on a bike is no laughing matter and just to be safe, I go public on my first off days.

Love life wise, there hasn't been any serious action. Sure, there's the occasional dates and get togethers. But nothing too serious. I guess its hard to be committed when life is uncertain. Who would ever want to have a guy who can't promise he'll be there for her? Because yeah, if things turn out the way they should, I'll be living and working in Australia for 1.7 years. The last time I told this to a girl, she stopped texting and calling me. haha.

My life is so mundane, that perhaps even my friends noticed it. They tried arranging blind dates, asked me out for cycling, fishing. I guess the most exciting thing I did was spending an hour up close with the penguins. Ahhh... Penguins are dabombz. Also, I made a few good friends worth keeping. They give off this positive vibe, and I guess some of their joy brushed off on me. Its good to feel happy you know? And I guess these people are nice to have around to keep you sane.

On the bright side, there are weird and memorable things that happened. Last week or so, I brought a friend to a fancy place for dinner. Till today, I don't know what stirred her to do it. Maybe it was the ambiance, perhaps it was the good BBQ squid, but what she asked me over dinner was unexpected. She proposed! To me. Yeah. I was stunned. But later she said it was the slip of the tongue and we laughed at the awkward situation. Phew! I was put on a spot right there. 

Oh well, oh well... The long wait till my next career move is really killing me. Good things comes to those who wait and because that will be the foundation for the rest of my life, we'll see how things turn out.

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