Friday, November 18, 2011

Let's Have Coffee Together Sometime

Being home on a weekday can make you do and feel things you've never felt or done before. Its as if the monotony seeped into your bones and transforms the body into something... alien. It is troubling to a certain extent as it may lead to a point where what may seem normal to me, may be troubling to society. And being the ever resourceful person that I am, I decided to turn this, into a blog post. Chey!

The other day (a weekday), I was bored and needed something to do. I started to wipe the computer desk, vacuum the room, wipe the window. But alas, I still have half a day to go. So I decided to reorganise my stuff in the boxes and found 2 x 80mm fans in the computer spare parts box. Normally, I would not think much about it, and chuck it aside. But on that very day, I took it out from the box, stripped the wires and hooked it up to the PC. Gave me a great deal of satisfaction after that, and spent the rest of the day staring at the spinning fan and checking the temperature in the casing.

Now that's just one example.

So on another day (also a weekday), I texted a friend if he was free. Thought of meeting up for a while and catch a movie or something (bromance). But one thing led to another and before we know it, we found ourselves fishing in the Straits of Singapore. Spontaneity and uncertainty has never been my thing, but I guess I picked it up real fast.

Sometimes when I'm really really bored, and exhausted all of my reading materials (which includes Tomshardware, Hardwarezone, Treehugger, etc), I would ask out the next random person that texted me. This wasn't particularly viable particularly when that person lives in JB. But nevertheless, I stuck to my guns and found myself riding and discovering new places in JB. Not to mention, I made a few more Malaysian friends. At times, I find myself riding and having coffee with a group of Mat Rempits. Fascinating men and women they are.

There are many examples but none as exciting as the ones I listed above. Next week, I think I'll share with you readers on why we should, at all times, take everything with an open mind. And also being forgiving. Macam faham ah MrWiseGuy.

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