Monday, March 19, 2012

A Burning Desire

Have you ever had the feeling where you get out of bed feeling super energised, super enthusiastic and optimistic? Yeahhhh... That feel-good sensation, where nothing in this world could stop you. So, somehow, something ignited the past week and energy levels have been high ever since.

There's a strong sense of optimism these few days. Something huge, something interesting is going to happen and the air is so vibrant nowadays. And with this, extra effort will be spent and being extra hardworking hopefully will pay off. Such optimism should not go to waste.

But couldn't help from wondering if leaving a job, and being dumped was the same. After leaving the job, one bums around at home, feeling low and sad. Staying home most of the time, go without showering for 2 days or more and having such a negative feeling to everything. Then slowly but surely, when you got over it, you're up for a new challenge and feeling all optimistic. You shower more often, get out and meet people, and start doing special things for special people just because you care. 

And most importantly, to thank the people who believed in you. 

Thank you. =)

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