Wednesday, January 9, 2013

1/5 Wedding.

Two of my close friends got married last weekend in a relatively simple manner. They got married at Ar Raudhah on a Saturday afternoon, with close friends and family. They were in the company of good friends and family. Alhamdulillah everything went well.

So something odd happened.

Well we don't actually observe the tradition of tossing the bouquet of flowers, but for the photoshoot we did just that for fun. So we were all lining up behind the bride and groom, for a shot or two. I was kinda standing in the corner, not expecting anything as the others are in a much better position to catch the bouquet. Besides, all of them have girlfriends and are engaged, its appropriate for them to catch it.

So when the bride did toss the bouquet behind, it landed right at me!

Oh my.

I was speechless.

Maybe its a sign.

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