Sunday, February 13, 2011

The World Revolves Around You.

"Do not act as if the world revolves around you." Has anyone ever spoken those words to you lately? How does it feel when suddenly you realise that you've been selfish? It made you the baddie all of a sudden doesn't it?


To be clear, I am not implying that anyone has said that to me lately.

Thing is, I am not too sure what I should do. Wished I had the time to do the normal things that we do. Its been real busy this semester and I needed the time for myself. Just last Friday, my FYP supervisor gave me the opportunity to work on an awesome project, at the cost of abandoning the 6 months effort that I had put in. With only 2 months to go before submission, there is really not much time. Really.

It may seem that I am selfish, I am not saying that I am not. Its just that being selfish during this period is valid. Sometimes being in the company of a different group of people throw your bearings off for a while. Its as if your focus is thrown off. Just like a racing driver needs some time to be on his own, together with his race engineers and manager before the race, I need to be in 'the zone.'


It is a balancing act ultimately trying to juggle relationships, studies, and your own personal interests. Friends advised me to look on the bright side of a person, and be optimistic. But hey, if a relationship (in my opinion) is based on a general equality of 'giving and taking,' I do not think it is feasible to juggle. It is best to focus on what is most important right now.

Of course there is always room for a few hours of relaxation, ice-cream outings, meals and whatnot. I find that it takes a lot of time to entertain text messages that prolong into awkwardness, routine calls, satisfy a need for attention, et cetera. The objective is to eliminate redundancies and interact only in person when it matters.


Hope everything things out fine in the end. If it doesn't I will not say I have tried my best and take the blame for it. I have done what I think is right at the moment, and I'm fine with making this mistake. Because it is for my own good.


commentator tan said...

duno why i feel inspired after reading this post.

Mr Wise Guy said...

thanks commentator tan! Your comment in turn inspired me to write even more. :)

Mairah said...

Most important thing is believe in Him. Insya'Allah everything will be a smooth ride. Best of luck with your last lap! Jia Yo! Give your best!

Mr Wise Guy said...

Thanks Mairah! =) The white flag is out, this is the final lap.