Wednesday, April 6, 2011

My Dad's 50th Birthday.

My pregnant cousin just gave birth today. Both mother and baby are healthy and safe. Coincidentally baby will share the same birthday as Dad. So here's to a speedy recovery for mother and baby, and a happy birthday to my Dad, the most persevering and technically capable man to walk on Planet Earth.

I know the new parents are my blog readers. So yeap! I am so happy for you guys!

Life took an incredible turn the past week. Everything is going incredibly well and I am feeling high these past few days. Not even FYP report could dampen my spirit, and I'm really hoping things would turn out in my favour. Right now, things are very preliminary. But once everything is confirmed, I shall share the good news with you guys. =)

On another note, some of my friends had already signed their job contracts. What good luck! One of them signed on with Keppel ($2.9k with a possibility of 10months bonus), Air Force Engineer ($3.7k is it? Or more?), DSTA ($4.2k). Oh my oh my. These guys are really raking in the big bucks. I can only say that elitism is really taking a front seat in Singapore. I wonder how our fellow Singaporeans earning $1.6k++ manage their household, buy makan, afford a car, etc. Its really not possible.

Increase in the cost of living, crazy petrol prices, foreigners allowed to buy HDB flats, skyhigh COE prices, stupid public transport system, everything is going against low and middle-income Singaporeans. Sure, a free market opens up Singapore to the world. But my suggestion would be that progress has to be controlled to assist needy Singaporeans who cannot afford $120,000+++ Volkswagen Sciroccos with SKA plates.

Seriously. Things are getting out of hand. Everyone is a degree holder. Everyone wants a good salary. Primarily because things are so expensive! A cup of teh-o used to cost $0.60. Now a cup of teh-o costs $0.90 to $1.20. Hello? Tea, sugar and water costs so much meh? Making tea is also not a value added skill okay.

Which brings me to the Grow and Share package that we should be receiving soon. If you would like to know, 80% of the money I receive will go back to the government to sustain my humble Honda Wave. $400 to NTUC Income for insurance, $60++ road tax, $20++ vehicle inspection. The rest will go to my savings. (the figures are just rough estimates)

You may argue that a bike is expensive. Okayyyy. Touch your heart and ask, how far can you travel on Singapore public transport with $600? Say, you spend $25 on your ezlink per week to travel to and from work. $600/25 = 24 weeks! 24 weeks is only roughly half a year la! So if you ask me, spending 80% of $600 for my bike yearly sustenance ain't so bad. Plus, I don't need to squeeze into the MRT with smelly people who don't take a shower in the morning all these. On the downside, there is added risk riding a bike. You know I know we know la eh.

Oh by the way, please refrain from buying bikes too. Cause COE prices are too expensive. $2,400++ for bike COE? That's even more than the machine price of my bike! Add parking woes into the picture. Take a look at the public parking spaces available and you'll come to understand. With the increase in car COE prices, more people are taking up bikes and suddenly, even white collar workers are buying Phantoms and Sparks.

How la like that? White collar worker cannot afford car? Please dun spoil bike market can?

Bike too expensive, car too expensive, public transport shitty. I foresee that Singapore roads will only be used by the elites who will drive cars and middle-income bike owners. This inflation problem in my opinion, is not primarily caused by the government. Take into account the unrest in Libya, the earthquake/tsunami in Japan, banking and debt crisis in Europe and America, etc. Everything influences what is happening here in Singapore. So when you go on to cast your vote in the general election, think hard. Think very very hard about the people you choose to lead us.


reader tan said...

sup dawg this post is making me very kan jiong u know?

Mr Wise Guy said...

Dear reader tan,

If it made you kan jiong, perhaps you want to consider voting for the opposition?
