Friday, August 5, 2011

A Little Mud and Dirt Wouldn't Hurt

Having a clean slate in life may not be the best thing. Sure, you dream of a fairytale childhood, followed by an adulthood without a criminal record. One without drugs, booze, nor the occasional pack of cigarettes and such. It is the occasional trials and tribulations threatening our very existence that allow us to develop into the better person we are today.

So there is a saying which goes, "Practice makes Perfect."

If life was an activity akin to solving mathematical problems, it may be interpreted as life could be perfected with practice. Practicing living would mean getting used to making mistakes, accepting our shortcomings and forgiving others for theirs. The point is, there are going to be mistakes before perfection is attained. Which goes to show why you can't teach a child math without him physically doing the sums and making careless mistakes. He'll screw up once, twice, maybe three times. But with effort, patience and education, there will come a point of time where he is able to solve it.

Sure, "Prevention is better than cure." However that matter shall be left debated on another occasion.

Mulling over the mistakes we made in life solves little problems set for the future. The time and energy spent thinking about the past could be better focused on taking steps to avoid repeating them. One just needs to accept the fact that a little mud and dirt wouldn't hurt and focus on the happiness that is set for the future.

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