Friday, August 12, 2011

Understanding Hope

Hope comes along in the pursuit of the many desires that we have. Achieving our desires would bring about fulfillment of a cause, centering around the very root of hope. Hope can be a strong drive, to motivate and energise a person in times of darkness and difficulty.

A college student, sets out to achieve his degree with hopes that he would be able to secure that interview to his dream job. The path may be a steep uphill climb, challenges faced daily and things may not go as well as planned. It may be in his subconscious thoughts, or not, but that job may be his motivation, an objective at the end of the day. Because who would subject themselves to go great lengths without achieving anything in the end?

Hope is scary. Hope can be blind. Hope may go against the laws of self-preservation. And hope can be the only thing that is left standing even after situations have gone beyond hope. Contradictory, but in this case hope is relative to a person, whether he be the one hoping, or observing the hope. And sometimes, hope can be the force that holds us back from achieving bigger things. However, the assumption that a hope is a lost cause, can never be truly justified.

Almighty Allah says: “…it may be that you dislike a thing which is good for you and that you like a thing that is bad for you. Allah knows but you do not know.” (Al-Baqarah 2:216)

If you have hopes for something or someone, keep on trying hard as it has given you a cause in life. Whether your story leads to a good or bad ending, be thankful that at least you had a goal in mind and that made your life worth living.

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