Tuesday, January 29, 2013

We Are Not Meant to Be

I remembered that night. We sat on our usual bench. It was cold. It was wet. And her tears fell like the rain.

I have made her cry.

We thought we were perfect. We thought we could make it through. At least, I was convinced as she gave me strength to pull through those difficult times.But alas, we are not meant to be. It was our final farewell and little did I know I will never see her again. Never.

But each night, when the world decides to go against me, I close my eyes and there she is. Her laughter, her warmth, her energy, her smell. I am glad I met her. Even if it was for a while.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Remaining Calm

So today I was at the controls and a colleague of mine went...

"Errr... Can you... Switch off the HPU?" with a calm voice.


I slammed the emergency stop button.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

I'm Glad You Came

Each night before I go to sleep, I go through what happened during the day. The blessings I count, the good times I had and the moments of difficulty. And each time, without fail, you will come into mind.

You, are a weird phenomenon.

The feelings I have, is abnormal. And I dare say I think you're the only person capable of putting me in this state. The thing is, I don't like nor hate you.In a way I'm in a state of emotional equilibrium when it comes to you. Its weird yes. And I always wonder how you're doing. Whether you've eaten. How was your day. And such for reasons unknown. When you do find me, I feel a sense of relief, together with a sense of resent. Because meeting you has always been the nicest, yet most painful thing.

I hope I figure out what this is very soon. Maybe its you, maybe its me. We will never know. But one thing is for sure, I do sure hope one day when you decide to take a rest from flying high, you will get on your feet and live well.

Insha Allah.

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Last Cycle

Yesterday I heard that it might be our last cycle here in Batam. For the mechanics at least. There's a good reason for that considering most of the machines are up and running, and for the mechanical team, there's not much that they could do onboard. The electrical team could do with some help and with only 2 people to handle a considerable amount of work, I am in good position to stay for 2 months at least.

I could see the end of the road for my stay here in Batam. It was an eye opener having to work with my colleagues in Indonesia. They are really smart and intelligent people and I learn something new from them each day. Its a blessing.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

1/5 Wedding.

Two of my close friends got married last weekend in a relatively simple manner. They got married at Ar Raudhah on a Saturday afternoon, with close friends and family. They were in the company of good friends and family. Alhamdulillah everything went well.

So something odd happened.

Well we don't actually observe the tradition of tossing the bouquet of flowers, but for the photoshoot we did just that for fun. So we were all lining up behind the bride and groom, for a shot or two. I was kinda standing in the corner, not expecting anything as the others are in a much better position to catch the bouquet. Besides, all of them have girlfriends and are engaged, its appropriate for them to catch it.

So when the bride did toss the bouquet behind, it landed right at me!

Oh my.

I was speechless.

Maybe its a sign.