Sunday, March 20, 2011

Operation Coasting Eel Kuala Lumpur Ride for Charity 2011 Report

(This post was written in collaboration with Blogger Tan @ for Operation Coasting Eel which happened on the 12th to 13th March 2011)

The Charity show for the Society of the Physically Disabled was aired on channel 8 last Sunday. There were musical performances and even a non-stop running segment by the artists on the treadmills which raised a total of $4.25 million.


In comparison, Operation Coasting Eel by 2 riders were like kids chasing each other in the playground. And they only raised 0.01% of what their counterpart did.

Operation Coasting Eel collected a 'grand' total of $424.14.

However, MrWiseGuy and Biker Tan are still very proud of their friends and family members who supported the charity ride. The two riders were actually expecting criticism for their idea of fundraising. Instead what they received were free flows of encouragement, advises, well-wishes and most importantly, the donations.

In preparation for the ride, the 2 riders sent their bikes for early maintenance. After all, their bikes will be clocking mileage within 2 days that would normally last them a month. The last thing they wanted was a broken chain or a leaking brake pump.


Also, MrWiseGuy peeled at least 10 onions to climatise his eyes to road pollutant while Biker Tan did at least 20 push ups everyday to counter the vortex turbulence induced by the speding trucks.

On the night before operation, Biker Tan couldn’t sleep at all. He was still recovering from a fever. When the time ticks closer to the move-off timing, Biker Tan was still in dilemma. Should he go ahead with the slight fever, or just let MrWiseGuy carry the responsibility alone?


Sitting by Buddha in the dim praying-room, Biker Tan suddenly got a answer from the Enlightened one.


Similarly, MrWiseGuy did not even bat his eyelid. There were so many things running through his mind.

"He will kill me"
"No, he won’t"
"He will be thrilled to know he has such an adventurous son”

MrWiseGuy knows that with great power, comes with great responsibility. And as wise as his name suggested, he also know that with great riding speed, comes braking distance. Hence he decided to wake his dad to inform about his decision to embark on this journey.

And MrWiseGuy started his journey with his face full of saliva and ears filled with naggings at 3am.


The 2 riders met near the Mats Bridge at BKE at 430 am. As expected, Biker Tan did his routine 99 push-ups.


MrWiseGuy was very motivated by the pushups!


Wasting no time, the 2 riders rode straight through the customs and get their gas for the bikes. And of course some fuel for their body.


Just before moving off into the North-South Highway, Biker Tan saw MrWiseGuy did an unusual gesture.

MrWiseGuy saluting his bike!


Wise words from MrWiseGuy: "Respect your equipment, for your life depends on it.”

And now it’s the real deal. The duo the highway at about 6 am. It was dark and cold, and their stock headlights can only managed to light the road in front of them for 10meters, definitely no more than that. Or maybe less.

Initially the 2 riders rode on the left lane at about 80km/hr. But the feeling they got was as if they traveled faster than their headlights can shine; they can’t see what’s in front of them confidently.

Then they dropped the traveling speed to 70km/hr. Now they felt like they are traveling to hell faster than the speed of light; most of the vehicles on the left lane overtook them at 1 meter length, not before blowing the honks at them. The speed they were traveling past was at least 120km/h. Suddenly, MrWiseGuy was reminded of his Bajaj Chetak days in India.


Left with no choice, the 2 riders decided to travel on the shoulder for the rest of their journey.

1 hour into the ride at about 7am, suddenly The Mist came! Their visor now got covered with water droplets from the condensation. Their arms now have to control the throttle, brake caliper, as well as acting as wiper to wipe their visor every 20 seconds.


Trucks overtaking the riders!

At 0800 hours and 140km later, the road was finally fully visible. They stopped to refuel their tank and take a break. Their asses are sore like loser.


For MrWiseGuy's twitter followers (@MrWiseGuyBlog), you should by now know that he has balls of steel. Sadly, his bladder is of a different tensile strength.


Biker Tan maintaining his alertness for the remaining 180km.

Another hour on at 9 am and the riders’ asses were really pain now. They decided to take a 30 minutes break.


The riders cleaning the 3mm thick of dirt off their faces.


MrWiseGuy started doing pushup as well!

They started riding off again at 9 30am on their 125 and 200cc bikes at 70km/h. It’s about 110km more to go now.

Despite their push to complete the remaining distance without stopping, their asses just can’t handle the pain. Every metre on the road feels like a whip on their asses from a big black dawg. And finally with about 40km to go, they decided to take another break for their asses before moving on.

The riders had a new companion for the last leg of the journey. The sun was out. So the riders now have to battle the heat in their long sleeve clothing. And they missed the turn into Kuala Lumpur! If they continued on till the next exit they will have to travel on for another 20km before making a U-turn. And so they decided to ride against the traffic to the previous exit.



And finally in KL at 1230pm to their choice of accommodation!


Because the guesthouse did not sponsor their accommodation, Biker Tan and MrWiseGuy decided that the camera should not point to the hotel to avoid any legal issues. Although the donations are (not) more than enough to cover for a lawyer.

Immediately MrWiseGuy drop to the bed and sleep without bathing.


Love the way you lie.



They sleep all the way till 7pm to compensate their lack of sleep and went in search of dinner. But something magical happened over dinner. They met Mr and Mrs Dafir! For MrWiseGuy and Biker Tan, it was heartwarming to see their fans take the hassle to travel to KL to pay for their dinner. They are very thankful.

Biker Tan was inspired to sharpen his soccer skills when he saw this in a shopping centre.


The Champions League Cup was in KL! While MrWiseGuy was busy taking pictures with the show girls....


Biker Tan set about sharpening his soccer skills...


MrWiseGuy and Biker Tan were both so tired from the night activities, they retired at 11pm.

The next morning the riders woke up early at 4am to commence the journey back home. It was drizzling slightly.


MrWiseGuy styling his hair before the helmet press it into a permanent odd shape.


Biker Tan adjusting his organ before the journey press it into a permanent odd shape. Like MrWiseGuy, Biker Tan has no steel bladder.


Like all countries they been to, it was customary to wave goodbye. And so after a few constipatory goodbyes, they set off.



But not before...


Biker Tan does his 99 push-up routine. MrWiseGuy admires Biker Tan's powerful arms and decided to follow suit.


But alas, he can only do 1. Steel is denser than flesh. It weighed him down.


Darkness is normal by now, and MrWiseGuy was happy to see green signboards. Green is his favourite colour. But Biker Tan was upset that he was dark. So the flash was turned off the next time.



Breakfast was at a coffee shop suspended over the highway. Biker Tan was relieved to have breakfast although he looks otherwise.


Biker Tan ordered his favourite Mee Soto and devoured it. However, the food MrWiseGuy ordered tasted as bad as the exhaust from lorries. He mentioned that some exhaust tastes nicer than this. Because MrWiseGuy is a true blue Singaporean, violence is not his means of expressing himself and decided to vent his frustration by doing push-ups.


MrWiseGuy was feeling better after the 1 push-up and led the way to Singapore. It was more than 300km away and they were fueled up for the ride. When the tummy is full, one gets sleepy. Even with his iPod blaring Beethoven's latest hits out loud, Biker Tan was still sleepy. MrWiseGuy was sleepy too and they raced each other to the nearest green signboard. Turns out, it was the Johor border. Only Allah and Buddha knows their happiness. They took turns posing with this magnificent morale booster.



Johor is the nearest Malaysian state to Singapore and they were happy that Singapore is less than 2 hours away. The 2 bikers imagine their families and loved ones holding up pom poms cheering them on. It is the final lap and tears welled up their eyes.

The thoughts of the disabled living in the Blue Cross home lingered in their minds. How happy they will be to receive the much needed donation. This rush of emotions was too great for Biker Tan. He did what he does best to show his emotions.


198 inclined push-ups!

MrWiseGuy thought there was no other great way to end it off but by dedicating this physical feat of strength to the disabled. As a token of respect to Biker Tan's dedication and love, MrWiseGuy fed him lunch once reached Johor Bahru, the ending point closest to Singapore.


Operation Coasting Eel was a success in all aspects. No injuries, no breakdowns, and the biker Gods protected them from harm. It was completed in 2 days, and the memories are etched in Biker Tan and MrWiseGuy's minds forever. What was to be a ridiculous idea to ride 2 underpowered bikes to Kuala Lumpur turns out a meaningful expedition for the people in need.

Before ending it off, thank you to the following people for their kind donations (in no specific order):

1) Muhammad Ruzaini
2) Desmond Ng
3) Ooi Wanling
4) Joseph Yap Zheng Jie
5) John Ho Jian Wei
6) Cherie Kwek
7) Michelle Peck
8) Guan Xuan
9) Chen Wenghao
10) Ang Chaun Hui
11) Wong Ming Shen
12) Norazura R
13) Lim Qiu Qiang
14) Andrew Ho
15) Hazimah Adam
16) Raihana
17) Fie
18) Ho Jian You
19) Shaun cai xie'en
20) Daisy Sue
21) Iskandar Roslan
22) Goh Kian Boon
23) Tan Daomin, Jinan
24) Farah Elias
25) Goh kunhan
26) Kassyn Ng
27) Tasneem
28) Zulfadly Zaiman
29) Hilmi
30) Amirul
31) Rashid
32) Suhailah
33) Hardyanti
34) Lim Xiaowei
35) Mark Woon
36) Lu Jilun

Your donations are greatly appreciated and may your kindness be rewarded. =)


Tasneem Banu Bte M Ali said...

you gaiz are too awesome, yat! ha ha and VERY ENJOYABLE read (:

Farah said...

An awesome read! Hahaha.

Sorry I don't know how to add. What was the total push-up count at the end of the trip?

Mr Wise Guy said...


During this trip, I did 4 push ups, which surpassed my National Service record of 1. A mean feat indeed.

Purple Wan said...

I took a pic with that Champions League trophy too!